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Testimonials & Reviews


Endocrine Associates of West Village PC

Endocrinology located in Long Island City and Astoria, Long Island City, NY & Murray Hill, New York, NY

4.85/5 Star Rating
264 total reviews

Endocrine Associates of West Village PC always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 264 reviews with an average rating of 4.85 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Endocrine Associates of West Village PC below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Leroy D.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/03/21
Dr. M. Has been a great doctor for me. A1c was once 12.4. Thanks
Nicholas P.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/02/21
I was impressed by how thorough he was.
Vaclovas S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/02/21
Everything was done professionally and with care. Many thanks!
Ignacio C.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/01/21
#1 in my opinion