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Diabetes Education Program


In 2018, our facility was recognized by the American Diabetes Association for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support.

We are proud to offer comprehensive, individualized Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes care and education to our patients throughout all five boroughs of New York City and beyond.

Our comprehensive diabetes education programs provides you with all the tools to gain control of your diabetes and control of your life. Our team consists of Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, and insulin pump specialists. Our facility is equipped with the newest technologies, and we are consistently at the forefront of innovation.


Insulin Pump Training

For our patients who take multiple injections of insulin daily, an insulin pump is an alternative to consider. An insulin pump provides both continuous insulin infusion and insulin dosing to cover meals and bring down high glucose levels when needed. It eliminates the need to inject insulin from a syringe or insulin pen. We are certified to train and provide ongoing follow-up for all insulin pumps. You can discuss this option with your provider at your next visit if you wish to learn more.


Continuous Glucose Monitors

CGM can provide significantly more information about your blood sugars compared to fingerstick testing with a glucometer. They take a new glucose reading every 5 minutes (that's 288 times per day!) and provide information if your glucose levels are rising or falling.
Some CGM may even eliminate to need for daily fingerstick testing. There are a few CGM devices available - you can discuss this option with your provider at your next visit to determine if this device is covered by your insurance and which model would be best suited for you.

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