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Irene Diakogeorgios, BS

Pharmacist located in Long Island City and Astoria, Long Island City, NY & Murray Hill, New York, NY

About Irene Diakogeorgios

Irene Diakogeorgios is a licensed registered pharmacist. Upon receiving her degree from Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn  in 1991 Irene services the Astoria/Long Island City community for over thirty years. Through a personalized approach and strong community ties with physicians and other health care providers, Irene continues to educate patients on their well being with courtesy, kindness, and respect.

Irene  Diakogeorgios, BS

Irene Diakogeorgios is a licensed registered pharmacist. Upon receiving her degree from Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn  in 1991 Irene services the Astoria/Long Island City community for over thirty years. Through a personalized approach and strong community ties with physicians and other health care providers, Irene continues to educate patients on their well being with courtesy, kindness, and respect.

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Most major insurances accepted

Kindly call the office, should you have any questions or concerns.

1199 National Benefit Fund
Allied Benefit Systems
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Empire Plan
Fidelis Care
Health First
Health Plus