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Signs Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Signs Your Hormones Are Imbalanced

Hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate many of your body’s essential functions, from metabolism and weight to body temperature and hair growth.

Your endocrine glands naturally regulate hormone production to keep your body functioning at its best. While certain hormonal fluctuations are normal, various health issues can interfere with this process and create a long-term hormonal imbalance.

The signs of hormonal imbalance vary widely. Many people write off their symptoms as an inevitable part of getting older — but hormonal imbalance is treatable, and our team at Endocrine Associates of West Village can help.

Here are the signs that your hormones might be out of balance.

The most common signs of hormonal imbalance

Your hormones are in constant flux. Hormone production naturally varies over the course of each day and your lifetime, but as you age, hormone levels start dropping significantly.

The most common hormone issues stem from low estrogen in women and low testosterone in men. Diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, pituitary gland dysfunction, and adrenal disorders can also cause hormonal imbalance.

When hormone levels drop too low, unpleasant symptoms often result. These changes affect both women and men.

Some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance are:

Your symptoms may vary depending on the type of hormonal imbalance you have. In many cases, the longer it goes untreated, the more pronounced your symptoms get. 

Hormonal imbalance in women

Estrogen and progesterone are the two primary female hormones. They regulate female sexual function but decline significantly in perimenopause and menopause. Women with hormonal imbalance may experience:

These symptoms may appear alone or with other symptoms mentioned above.

Hormonal imbalance in men

Testosterone is the primary male hormone. Like estrogen and progesterone, it declines with age. Low testosterone can cause symptoms like:

Erectile dysfunction is the most common symptom of low testosterone, but you may experience any of the above symptoms with varying severity.

Finding relief from hormonal imbalance symptoms

Do the signs of hormonal imbalance sound familiar? Don’t ignore them. Our endocrinologists can help you identify the cause of your symptoms, so you can get the treatment you need.

We review your medical history, discuss your symptoms, and do bloodwork or other lab tests to check for hormonal imbalance. If we identify hormonal issues, we develop a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Lifestyle adjustments can be an effective way to manage hormonal imbalances naturally. We also offer hormone replacement therapy for low hormone levels and medication to suppress overactive endocrine glands.

No matter your symptoms, we’re here to help you feel like yourself again. Book a consultation with our team online or call our offices in Long Island City and New York, New York, to learn more.

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