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Recognize the Most Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and the Best Treatment Options

Recognize the Most Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and the Best Treatment Options

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It’s often overlooked when assessing physical health, but it’s vital for managing your hormones and metabolism. 

If you’ve been feeling cold and tired, can’t keep your skin moisturized, or recently experienced unexplained weight gain, you might be suffering from hypothyroidism, a decrease in thyroid hormone production.

At Endocrine Associates of West Village, our team of specialists can help identify hypothyroidism and lay out a treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms. 

Hypothyroidism 101

Your thyroid is considered the metronome of your body; it uses hormones to regulate your heartbeat, energy levels, digestion, and the menstrual cycle in women. 

If thyroid hormone production decreases, you can suffer from hypothyroidism, which can cause a number of symptoms, including: 

Weight gain and fatigue are the most common early signs of hypothyroidism, but they are often overlooked and blamed on aging or stress. It can take months for symptoms to begin manifesting, and they can vary from person to person. 

Certain factors can also put you at risk of developing hypothyroidism, such as: 

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that causes antibodies to attack your thyroid gland. 

If you previously suffered from hyperthyroidism, treatment can over-correct the issue and cause hypothyroidism in response. Certain medications and radiation therapy can also lead to hypothyroidism. 

Assessing your treatment options 

If you’ve noticed unusual symptoms, recently gained weight, or just cannot stay warm, checking up with your doctor is a good idea. They can help eliminate other possibilities and administer diagnostic tests. 

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you should seek help from a specialist. They can assess your condition and suggest solutions. When you visit Endocrine Associates of West Village PC, our team works with you to find the best possible treatment.

Hypothyroidism is treatable using synthetic thyroid hormone medication, which boosts your body’s levels and alleviates your symptoms. If you’re tired of suffering from unexplained fatigue, memory loss, weakness, or other symptoms, it might be time to seek diagnosis and treatment for hypothyroidism. 

You can get in touch with our team by calling the office closest to you, in Manhattan or Long Island City, New York, or you can request an appointment while you’re online

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