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Can I Have Diabetes and Not Even Know It?

More than 10% of the American population has diabetes, but it’s estimated that many cases go undiagnosed. Symptoms can fly under the radar for years, but untreated diabetes can worsen, putting you at risk for complications like nerve damage and eye problems. If you suspect that you have diabetes, it’s important to consult an expert and get a diagnosis as soon as possible. 

At Endocrine Associates of West Village, our team of diabetes specialists can help you learn if you have diabetes or prediabetes. If you do, we can create a management plan to help you control symptoms and avoid additional health issues. 

The importance of early detection

Patients with Type 1 diabetes often receive their diagnosis in adolescence or earlier, giving them plenty of time to adjust to treatment and lead healthy lives. However, Type 2 diabetes can go undiagnosed for years, slowly worsening until the symptoms are finally recognized. 

Over time, diabetes can lead to serious complications, including: 

This is why diabetes education and early detection are vital for your health. If you recognize the early symptoms of diabetes, you can begin treatment. 

Common symptoms of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body becomes resistant to insulin, which causes a buildup of sugar in the blood. At first, the effects are subtle. Early symptoms of diabetes include: 

If left unchecked, your symptoms will gradually worsen. As your diabetes progresses, you might experience: 

If you’ve noticed these symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. The faster you begin managing your diabetes, the lower your risk of complications. 

Diagnosis and treatment 

Diagnosis of diabetes typically involves a glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test. This test does not require fasting, and measures your average blood sugar level for the past three months. Usually, two of these tests are done to ensure accurate results. 

Even if you don’t have full-blown diabetes, you may be diagnosed with prediabetes. This means that you’re at risk of developing diabetes if you don’t make lifestyle changes. If your test comes back with high or borderline glucose levels, you will have an opportunity to discuss treatment. 

Our team offers individualized diabetes treatments. We help you put together a plan to manage your blood sugar. 

Your plan might include: 

We may ask you to keep a journal that logs your exercise, diet, and blood sugar levels. This can help our team get to know your lifestyle and give you advice. 

To learn more about diabetes treatment options, schedule a consultation with our team at Endocrine Associates of West Village. Get in touch by calling one of our offices -- in Long Island City or the Murray Hill neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City -- or request an appointment online.

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