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5 Benefits of Concierge Medicine

5 Benefits of Concierge Medicine

Everyone deserves quality health care. But if you’ve ever waited months for a doctor’s appointment, then spent hours in a waiting room, only to see the doctor for a few minutes, you know that traditional health care is frustrating.

You’re not alone. These days, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. You might feel like your health doesn’t matter to your doctors or their staff, but it should — and it’s time to try something different.

Concierge medicine is a better way to get the care you need and deserve. Our team at Endocrine Associates of West Village adopted the concierge model to provide an elevated standard of care to our patients in Long Island City and New York, New York, and here’s why.

The concierge care difference

With concierge medicine, you and your health are the focus. We accept fewer patients than traditional doctor’s offices, and our goal is to make your health care better, more convenient, and more enjoyable.

The best benefits of this model of care are:

1. 24/7 access to your medical team

Most people have experienced the frustration of not being able to contact their doctor when they need to. With concierge care, you have 24/7 access to our staff to get your questions answered quickly.

Our team is just a phone call away, and we streamline in-office care, too. As a concierge patient, you enjoy unlimited office visits and shorter wait times for routine appointments, as well as same-day appointment availability for urgent medical needs.

2. Long-term relationships

The concierge model facilitates long-term relationships between our medical team and our patients. You see the same providers at each appointment, and your physician takes ample time to get to know you and your medical history.

Your appointments are never rushed. That means you have all the time you need to get your questions answered, build trust with your health care team, and feel comfortable with your care.

3. Personalized health care

Concierge medicine includes routine care, like annual physical exams and recommended immunizations, but it goes beyond the basics. As we build close doctor-patient relationships, our team is better able to provide personalized health care.

We do customized lifestyle evaluations and personal risk-factor assessments to determine your needs, then create a holistic wellness plan that’s unique to you.

4. Comprehensive preventive screenings

Along with routine physicals, our team recommends preventive care based on your health, lifestyle, and other factors. The goal of customized preventive screenings is to identify conditions as early as possible when they are most treatable. 

These screenings can include blood pressure and cholesterol tests, pre-diabetes and diabetes screenings, and select cancer screenings based on risk factors.

5. Chronic condition management

Concierge medicine offers an unmatched level of care, making it a great option for people with chronic health conditions like diabetes. About one in 10 Americans has diabetes, and it’s a lifelong condition.

Customized strategic care is crucial to ensure you achieve your best possible health. Our concierge team specializes in advanced diabetes care. Services include lifestyle support and medication management, including unique pulsatile insulin infusion therapy.

If you’re tired of feeling like your health doesn’t matter, concierge care at Endocrine Associates of West Village might be right for you. Book an appointment online or call the office nearest you to meet our team and learn more.

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